
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Bangladeshi Luchi Recipe


ময়দার মধ্যে সামান্য তেল, লবণ ও চিনি ময়ান দিয়ে মেখে দিতে হবে। এরপর মাখানো ময়দা ৩০ মিনিট রেখে দিতে হবে। তারপর বেলে ডুবোতেলে ভেজে নিতে হবে। গরম গরম পরিবেশন করতে হবে।
The luchi is a deepfried flat-bread very common to Bangladesh and is also popular in the Easter Indian states.
In Bangladesh folks will often have them for breakfast with fried eggs or fried vegetable such as Alu Bhaji (fried potatoes).
Many people will also often eat them with Bangladeshi deserts such as Shandesh and halua.
  • 4 cups flour
  • 1 tbsp  baking powder
  • 2 tbsp powdered milk
  • 1 tsp  salt
  • 1-1/2 cup warm water
  • 1 cup shortening, enough to fill 1 inch deep in frying pan

  1. In a large bowl, mix flour with baking powder, salt, and powdered milk.
  2. Pour in warm water and mix to form dough.
  3. Knead dough by hand until it is soft but not sticky.
  4. Cover with a cloth and allow to stand for about 15 minutes
  5. Shape into balls about 2 inches across, then flatten by patting and stretching the dough with hands and fingers until the dough is flat and round.  A rolling pin may be used instead.
  6. Melt shortening in a heavy frying pan, and heat for frying. Add dough, fry one side, then turn.
  7. Fry bread until it is golden brown on both sides.

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